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Le siège de Tribano
Le siège de Conselve


L.B. Plast Srl

Le siège de Tribano
Viale Francia, 19 35020 Tribano (Padova) ITALY
Tel: +39 049 9585397

P.iva: 00130490287

Le siège de Conselve (production de siphons et de bondes)
Via Fossalta, 74 35026 Conselve (Padova) ITALY

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As provided for by Legislative decree 196/2003 on the protection of personal data please note that the data supplied by filling in the form will be collected by L.B. Plast Srl using electronic and/or computerised means. Data supplied will be used only for market research purposes. You may, at any time, exercise your rights provided for by art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003. By clicking on the Send button I declare that I have read this notice and that I give my consent to process my personal data on the basis of the above notice.

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